Samsung Pay

其他支付工具還包括三星支付,可以利用三大技術中的任何一種技術來完成支付:近場通訊(NFC)、磁條讀卡器驗證功能(MST,MagneticSecureTransmission)和條碼 ...,Magneticsecuretransmission(MST)isthenameformobilepaymenttechnologyinwhichdevicessuchassmartph...。參考影片的文章的如下:


三大技術:NFC、MST、QR Code

其他支付工具還包括三星支付,可以利用三大技術中的任何一種技術來完成支付:近場通訊(NFC)、磁條讀卡器驗證功能(MST,Magnetic Secure Transmission)和條碼 ...

Magnetic secure transmission

Magnetic secure transmission (MST) is the name for mobile payment technology in which devices such as smartphones emit a signal that mimics the magnetic ...

What is Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST)?

Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) is a technology that emits a magnetic signal that mimics the magnetic strip on a traditional payment card.

Magnetic secure transmission device hardware

The MST device includes a driver and an inductor, and the MST device is configured to receive the stream of pulses from the mobile phone, to amplify and shape ...

What Merchants Need To Know About Magnetic Secure Transmission

How does the technology work? MST Payments share data through magnetic signals that communicate between your customers' smartphone and your credit card reader.

Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST)

Magnetic Secure Transmission (MST) is a technology which uses magnetic signals to transfer data between a device and a point-of-sale (POS) terminal.

Can Someone explain what MST is, how to use it, and alternative ...

MST, or Magnetic Secure Transmission, is a method by which your device pulses magnetic codes that simulate a card's magnetic stripe swiping ...

S-Pay: What is MST?

Magnetic Secure Transmission™ or MST, is a groundbreaking method of sending data using magnetic waves. MST replicates a card swipe by ...

MST Payment Explained: Samsung MST vs. NFC

MST, or magnetic secure transmission, is a mobile payment technology that allows smartphones to transact wireless payments with traditional magstripe systems ...


磁訊號安全傳輸(英語:Magnetic Secure Transmission,縮寫為MST)是一種用於智慧型手機等裝置的技術,它可以模仿傳統支付卡磁條的訊號。MST技術是從搭載裝置傳送磁訊號到 ...


其他支付工具還包括三星支付,可以利用三大技術中的任何一種技術來完成支付:近場通訊(NFC)、磁條讀卡器驗證功能(MST,MagneticSecureTransmission)和條碼 ...,Magneticsecuretransmission(MST)isthenameformobilepaymenttechnologyinwhichdevicessuchassmartphonesemitasignalthatmimicsthemagnetic ...,MagneticSecureTransmission(MST)isatechnologythatemitsamagneticsignalthatmimicsthemagneticstriponatraditionalp...